2023年適逢鄭觀應誕辰181周年,為加深公眾對這位近代著名思想家鄭觀應及其故居鄭家大屋的認識,是次藝術邀請展以【澳門世遺藝術推廣計劃】紀念鄭觀應誕辰 181週年:鄭家遺美藝術邀請展為題,邀請六十位創作者參與創作,以世遺融合當代藝術,向社會傳播世遺美學。
To commemorate the 181st anniversary of Cheng Guanying's birth, an Invitational Exhibition of the Artistic Legacy of Mandarin's House is held to deepen the public's understanding of this famous modern thinker and his former residence, Mandarin's House. 16 creators have been invited to participate in the exhibition, combining World Heritage with contemporary art to promote the aesthetic value of the World Heritage to society.
At the same time, the exhibition aims to attract more visitors to Mandarin's House and promote the development of Macau's cultural and tourism experiences. It also showcases the innovative power of outstanding designers and artists. The exhibition artworks will be created using "Xuan paper folding fans" as the medium, hoping to provide the public with a glimpse of the artistic and creative power of contemporary art in Macau through the aesthetic interpretation of local culture.
2023年適逢鄭觀應誕辰181周年,為加深公眾對這位近代著名思想家鄭觀應及其故居鄭家大屋的認識,是次藝術邀請展以【澳門世遺藝術推廣計劃】紀念鄭觀應誕辰 181週年:鄭家遺美藝術邀請展為題,邀請六十位創作者參與創作,以世遺融合當代藝術,向社會傳播世遺美學。
To commemorate the 181st anniversary of Cheng Guanying's birth, an Invitational Exhibition of the Artistic Legacy of Mandarin's House is held to deepen the public's understanding of this famous modern thinker and his former residence, Mandarin's House. 16 creators have been invited to participate in the exhibition, combining World Heritage with contemporary art to promote the aesthetic value of the World Heritage to society.
At the same time, the exhibition aims to attract more visitors to Mandarin's House and promote the development of Macau's cultural and tourism experiences. It also showcases the innovative power of outstanding designers and artists. The exhibition artworks will be created using "Xuan paper folding fans" as the medium, hoping to provide the public with a glimpse of the artistic and creative power of contemporary art in Macau through the aesthetic interpretation of local culture.